Maryhill @HOME
Explore online exhibitions, art activities and lessons, videos, education programs and more, from anywhere.
Lessons & Activities
Explore art concepts, vocabulary, genres and techniques using lesson plans and hands-on art activities developed by Maryhill’s curator of education.
Online Exhibitions
Learn about Romanian folk textiles, realist painting, sculpture, and regional historic photos, or explore Maryhill’s beloved international chess sets and the history of this iconic game.
Video Resources
Take a closer look at the marble sculpture Diana, Goddess of the Hunt or the Icon of St. John the Forerunner to cultivate a deeper appreciation for both art forms.
Exquisitely Connected Project
During the spring of 2020, Maryhill launched Exquisitely Connected, a national visual art community-building experience inspired by the Surrealist parlor game, Exquisite Corpse. People from all over the country were invited to create 8” x 8” artworks expressing their feelings, hopes and metaphors for their shared experiences during Covid-19. The project brought together creatives of all ages and abilities – virtually and literally – as each finished artwork became a part of a larger whole. There’s still time to participate! Submit your work through March 31, 2021.
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