Pacific Northwest Plein Air Event

Pacific Northwest Plein Air Event - Maryhill Museum - Columbia GorgeJuly 30 – August 25, 2018
Pacific Northwest Plein Air
in the Columbia River Gorge

Drawing on a long tradition of painting in the open air, this event attracts some of the finest painters from the Pacific Northwest and from across the country to capture the stunning light and inspiring vistas of the Columbia River Gorge. After four days of painting, works are displayed at Maryhill with juror-awarded prizes given to the most exceptional works.Works will remain on view and available for purchase in the museum’s M.J. Murdock Charitable Trust Education Center through August 25, 2018.

Image above: First place award-winning painting created during the 2017 Plein Air Event by Aimee Erickson (Portland, OR), Smoky Sunrise, 2017, Oil on canvas, 14” x 18”, Private collection


July 30 – August 2 | all day
Pacific Northwest Plein Air Paint Out

Pacific Northwest Plein Air Event - Maryhill Museum - Columbia GorgeArtists spend four days painting at various locations throughout the Gorge, including on the grounds of Maryhill.

Friday, August 3 | all day
Workshop: Painting Plein Air Figures in the Garden at Maryhill
Enjoy a day of figure painting en plein air on the grounds of Maryhill Museum of Art. This full-day workshop is led by artist and teacher Randall Sexton, one of the premier contemporary California landscape painters working today. Known for his use of color and expressive brushwork in oil paintings of “everyday” scenes, Sexton has a reputation for being an educator as well as a fine artist. He taught drawing, painting, and composition at the San Francisco Academy of Art until 2005, and now leads private workshops around the country.

Cost: $170; limited to 17 people. Student is expected to bring their own easel (plein air set-up) and supplies (confirmation and supply list will be emailed to you upon registration). The workshop fee includes model fees. To register, contact Maryhill Museum of Art at (509) 773-3733, ext. 27.

August 4 | 5 to 7 p.m.
Opening Reception: Pacific Northwest Plein Air in the Columbia River Gorge
The public is invited to view the “fresh” paintings artists created in plein air, meet the artists, and enjoy wine and hors d’oeuvres. Artwork will be available for purchase, with a percentage of the sales benefiting Maryhill. Awards will be given in a number of categories, including “Best Sky,” “Best Mountain,” “Best Water,” “Maryhill Museum of Art Award,” and a purchase award. Paintings remain on view and available for purchase through August 25.

August 5 – 25, 2018 | 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Exhibition: Pacific Northwest Plein Air Even in the Columbia River Gorge
Exhibition opens Saturday, August 4 during the artist reception from 5 to 7 p.m. Paintings are available for purchase in the Event Sales Gallery in the M.J. Murdock Charitable Trust Education Center. Proceeds support Maryhill Museum of Art. As work is sold and removed, other work created during the paint-out will replace it.

AWARDS – 2018 Pacific Northwest Plein Air in the Columbia River Gorge

First Place: Yong Hong Zhong (Lake Oswego, OR), A Shady Spot, watercolor, 14½” x 21½

Second Place: Anton Pavlenko (Happy Valley, OR), Ranch Life, oil, 16” x 20”

Third Place: Jeffrey Markowsky (Savannah, GA), Smoke ‘n 84, oil on linen panel, 20” x 16”

Honorable Mention (4):
Carole Gray-Weihman (Petaluma, CA), Afternoon on the Klickitat, oil, 18” x 18”
Aaron Cordell Johnson (Moscow, ID), Miller Island, gouache and pastel, 11½” x 18”
Sergio Lopez (Santa Rosa, CA), Twin Oaks, oil, 8” x 10”
Melanie Thompson (Richland, WA), A Fresh Start, oil, 8” x 10”

Best Sky:
William E. Elston (Snohomish, WA), Grassfire, oil on panel, 16” x 20”

Best Mountain:
Yer Za Vue (Portland, OR), Aspen Valley, oil, 16” x 20”

Best Water:
Yong Hong Zhong (Lake Oswego, OR), Creek Reflection, watercolor, 8” x 11”

National Scenic Area Award:
Aimee Erickson (Portland, OR), Good Morning World!, oil, 16” x 19”

Maryhill Award:
Thomas Jefferson Kitts (Portland, OR), Miller Island View, watercolor on paper, 12” x 24”

Museum Purchase Awards:
Jeffrey Markowsky (Savannah, GA), Smoke ‘n 84, oil on linen panel, 20” x 16”
Melanie Thompson (Richland, WA), Scorched Earth, oil, 6” x 8”
Paula Ensign (Bainbridge Island, WA), Not So Good, Not So Rich, ink and watercolor, 10” x 14”

Aaron Johnson
Aimee Erickson
Amanda Houston
Anton Pavlenko
Ben Hamburger
Bhavani Krishnan
Carole Gray-Weihman
Cathleen Rehfeld
Celeste Bergin
Don Bishop
Dotty Hawthorne
Elo Wobig
Eric Voigt
Jeffrey Markowsky
Joanne Radmilovich Kollman
John Laney
Judy Shaw
Kathryn Townsend
Kristina Sellers
Laura Gable
Laurel Bushman
Louis Hurlbut
Mary Lamery
Maryana Espe-Wagor
Matt Sterbenz
Melanie Thompson
Michael Lindstrom
Mike Rangner
Nathan Sowa
Paul Zegers
Paula Ensign
Randall Tillery
Sally Reichmuth
Scott Gellatly
Sergio Lopez
Stanley Robinson
Steven Hill
Thomas Kitts
Tracy Leagjeld
Turner Vinson
William Elston
Yong Hong Zhong
Za Vue

Pacific Northwest Plein Air is made possible by the generosity of Dave Burbach Photography, Dog River Coffee, Framing Resource, Full Sail Brewing Co., Gamblin Artists Colors, The Griffin House on the Columbia River Gorge, Byron and Sue Henry, Stephen and Laura Muehleck, PleinAir Magazine, RayMar Art, and Scottsdale Artists’ School.

Interested in becoming a sponsor? Please contact us at 509-773-3733 or email for more information.