
March 15 – November 15, 2018

The paintings of Richard F. Lack (1928–2009) combine the form and drawing of nineteenth-century academic painters with the color and atmosphere of the Boston impressionists. His interest in classical painting traditions led him to the atelier of R. H. Ives Gammell, with whom he studied from 1950 to 1956. Lack and Gammell were proponents of “Imaginative Painting” and used the term to describe work that was previously designated as historical—or poetic—painting. It includes historical, religious, mythological, allegorical, fantasy, mystical and symbolic art. Curated by Stephen Gjertson, with assistance from The Atelier and the Lack Estate. Gjertson is a Minneapolis-area artist who was a student of Lack and a former teacher at his atelier.

Image: Richard F. Lack (1928–2009), Demons, 1996, oil on canvas, 81” x 51”; Courtesy of the Lack Estate