Adult Art Workshops

Drawing from Life with Chris Pothier
March 17, 24, 31 & April 7, 14, 21, 28 | 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Presented in partnership with The Dalles Art Center; classes are held in the M. J. Murdock Charitable Trust Education Center at Maryhill Museum of Art.

In this 7-week class Beginning / Intermediate drawing class, Chris Pothier will review basic concepts and skills of drawing from life. Building on this foundation, students will refine their skills in drawing and composition in order to complete a fully finished piece with attention to foreground, middle ground and background. Sketches throughout the class will help define the finished work. This class will be using graphite, high quality drawing paper and tone paper. (Tone paper to be supplied by the instructor.)

The instructor, Chris Pothier, has been a narrative figure painter since 1999. He has exhibited nationally and internationally and has been an instructor in drawing and painting at the New Hampshire Institute of Art, University of Massachusetts, St. Paul’s School, and more recently, The Dalles Art Center.

This course is offered in partnership with The Dalles Art Center. Limit to 16 participants. Minimum is 8.

Cost: $325.  Members of the Dalles Art Center and Maryhill Museum of Art receive a discount of 10%. To register, call The Dalles Art Center at 541.296.4759. This seven-week class starts March 17 and is held on Tuesdays from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Maryhill Museum of Art.


Summer Art Institute: Cultural Identity & Art
Monday-Friday July 20-24, 2020 | 8:30 am to 4:00 pm daily

Our sense of self and identity is often revealed through intentional and unintentional choices, such as the clothes and hairstyles we wear, and the activities we take part in. Join us as we explore, through the arts, how cultural identity can help us better understand ourselves and others.  Through reading, discussion, making art and the analysis of art, we will develop a deeper understanding of cultural identity and diversity, and how to teach our students about the multicultural landscape that surrounds us all.  The Institute is led by Maryhill’s executive director, Colleen Schafroth, with guest presenters throughout the week. Extracurricular activities can include visits to artist’s studios and regional institutions.

Cost: $215 members / $230 non-members; to register call 509 773-3733 or email

Scholarship(s) are available through the Janet P. Swartz and Harriet G. Langfeldt Summer Art Institute Scholarship Fund. To learn more or apply, please contact